Museum Collection

Taws Square Pianoforte
1791 The compact size of this square piano made it a better fit for most homes at the time. Instead of the strings arranged vertically like

Viola d’amore
ca. 1700 Head and neck are later: ca. 1820, PragueRestorer: Andrew Dipper, Minneapolis6 brass understrings, 6 gup topstringsGermany

Virgil Practice Clavier
This is a Virgil Practice Piano and was once owned by Sergei (Sair-gay) Rachmaninoff. We have a handwritten note from a man named Bill Hupfer

Wolfgang Mozart Letter- 1790
7 1/4 x 9- 2-sided letter to wife Constanze, written from Frankfurt am Main30 September 1790 Dearest little Wife of my Heart! If only I

Wurlitzer Electronic Piano model 145B
1965 First developed in the 1950s, the Wurlitzer Electronic Piano’s unique tone is generated by striking an amplified metal reed with a piano hammer. Once

Wurlitzer Grand Piano, Model 770
1940 This unique, art-deco style instrument was introduced in 1940 as a showpiece of technical advancement at a national exhibition in Chicago. The piano was

Zumpe Square Pianoforte
1768 A student of Gottfried Silbermann, Johannes Zumpe and his colleagues fled Germany for London during the Seven Years’ War. His creation of a conveniently