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Museum Mini: Toyin Spellman-Diaz, oboe

Monday, October 10, 10:30AM



Toyin Spellman-Diaz from Imani Winds plays the reedy, penetrating and somewhat hypnotic sounds of the oboe. Learn about this slender wind instrument with its 45 pieces of keywork and delicate double reed.

Museum Minis are free, virtual 15-minute interactive sessions for all ages to learn about instruments from the Schubert Club Music Museum. Local talented, knowledgeable, and diverse musicians will share fascinating information about how these instruments make their sounds and the cultures from which they originated.  Enjoy mini performances emphasizing each instrument’s unique and special character.

Programs will be available to stream on the date of the performance on this page and on our YouTube channel, and will be available for replay for a period of time following the premiere. Please contact us at 651.292.3268 or at [email protected] if you have any questions about our virtual programs.

All Museum Minis premiere online at 10:30 AM.