We are excited to announce our 2021 winners for the 98th Annual Schubert Club Bruce P. Carlson Student Scholarship Competition. This year’s competition went virtual with a record number of participants.
Download a PDF version of the 2021 Bruce P Carlson Student Scholarship Competition Winners
About the Scholarship Competition:
Schubert Club’s Bruce P. Carlson Student Scholarship Competition, held each spring, awards a total of over $50,000 annually to young musicians to be used for further musical education. The competition began in 1922, celebrating the 40th anniversary of Schubert Club. It started modestly with three winners representing the categories of voice, violin, and piano. The competition has since grown to fourteen different categories with two cash prizes awarded for each category – $2000 and $1500 – to be used for further musical education. The winners of each category are also invited to perform in the annual Winners Recital.
The 2021 Competition looked quite different than any competition in past history. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic we adapted the format to be a virtual competition for all of our regular divisions which include Brass and Woodwinds, Guitar, Piano, Strings, and Voice categories for students in Grade 7 through Graduate level.
We set a record for applications, totaling 294.
6 divisions were close to capacity or reached capacity in Piano, Strings, and Voice. Applications were received from a high number of students new to the competition. It’s been exciting to see students from many universities, schools, and teachers that have never previously been represented in the competition. We also had an impressive line-up of 16 judges from across the country.
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Brass & Woodwinds II
First Place – Eleanor Koehler Ellerbe Award
BW212 Andrei Bancos
Century High School
Scott Anderson
Second Place – Schubert Club 40th Anniversary Award
BW206 Megan Schoenzeit
Orono High School
Julia Bogorad-Kogan
Honorable Mention:
BW210 Garrett Myers
Princeton High School
Preston Duncan
BW215 Bingsheng Guo
Mounds View High School
Tim Zavadil
Brass & Woodwinds III
First Place – Marjorie Porter Scholarship Award
BW308 Ningxin Su
University of Iowa
Kenneth Tse
Second Place – Julia Waldo MacGregor Scholarship Award
BW306 Joseph Mahin
St. Olaf College
Arthur Haecker
BW320 Hannah Peterson
St. Paul, MN
Honorable Mention:
BW317 Eugene Ryoo
University of Iowa
Kenneth Tse
Thelma Hunter / Schubert Club Award:
BW315 Christian Lampkin
University of Iowa
Nicole Esposito
First Place – Frank Neibel Whitson Memorial Award
G04 Silvia Miller
Southwest High School
Jean Seils
Second Place – Helen Hunt Memorial Award
G06 Lukas Murdych
Minnetonka High School
Jean Seils
Honorable Mention:
G08 Jackson Wittenberg
St. Paul Academy & Summit School
Alan Johnston
Piano I
First Place – Ming Chi and Yu Ann Wang Award
P108 Tasha Piyabongkarn
Wayzata High School
Megan Wallace & Christopher Wallace
Second Place – Anna M. Heilmaier Memorial Award
P104 Noah Greenstein-Sheppard
Minnehaha Academy
Christopher Weldon
Honorable Mention:
P111 Orión Kim
St. Paul Academy & Summit School
Joseph Zins
Piano II
First Place – Eleanor J. Andersen Award
P224 Jonathan Chen
Iowa City West High School
Feilin Lin Murray
Second Place – Anna M. Heilmaier Memorial Award
P217 William Gannon
Henry Sibley High School
Joseph Zins
Honorable Mention:
P209 Jacob Taggart
St. Agnes School
Reid Smith
P225 Jonathan Wu
The Blake School
David Kaplan
Piano III
First Place – Dorothy Ode Mayeske Scholarship Award
P301 Evren Ozel
New England Conservatory of Music
Wha Kyung Byun
Second Place – Schubert Club 50th Anniversary Award
P311 Emma Taggart
Mannes School of Music
Simone Dinnerstein
Honorable Mention:
P307 Xiaoliang Qian
University of Minnesota
Alexander Braginsky
P309 Zhen Tu
Yale University
Lydia Artymiw
Piano IV
First Place – Catherine Neimeyer Memorial Award
P409 Daniel Eras
University of Minnesota
Alexander Braginsky
Second Place – Maud Taylor Hill Scholarship Award
P406 Greg Hartmann
City University of New York
Julian Martin
Honorable Mention:
P401 Chun-Ya Pien
University of Iowa
Ksenia Nosikova
Strings I
First Place – Anne French Burnham Award
S105 Amelia Zitoun
Shorewood High School
Horacio Contreras
Second Place – Anne French Burnham Award
S111 Sophia Alexander
The Blake School
Mina Fisher
Honorable Mention:
S108 Lucy Wu
Whitefish Bay Middle School
Stefan Kartman
S112 Emily Alexander
The Blake School
Mina Fisher
Strings II
First Place – Helen Hunt Memorial Award
S203 Maximus Gurath
Interlochen Arts Academy
Patrick Owen
Second Place – Helen Hunt Memorial Award
S210 Katya Moeller
Indiana University High School
Almita Vamos
Honorable Mention:
S222 Dennis Eum
The Blake School
Mina Fisher
S225 James Thompson
Brainerd Senior High
Sally O’Reilly
Strings III
First Place – Maud Taylor Hill Scholarship Award
S326 Caroline Paulsen
Minneapolis, MN
Hans Jensen
Second Place – Maud Taylor Hill Scholarship Award
S311 Samuel Sykes
Cleveland Institute of Music
Peter Thomas
Honorable Mention:
S314 Lydia Grimes
Hsin-Yun Huang & Misha Amory
S324 Dylan Kinneavy
Indiana University
Eric Kim
Strings IV
First Place – John Nasseff & Hélène Houle Scholarship Award
S410 Arjun Ganguly
Yale University
Ettore Causa
Second Place:
S408 Melissa Deal
Bloomington, MN
Kathleen Winkler
S409 Luther Warren
New Brighton, MN
Donald Weilerstein
Honorable Mention:
S407 Michael Chu
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Chen Zhao
Voice I
First Place – Helen Hunt Memorial Award
V134 Sarah Rosales
Drake University
Leanne Freeman-Miller
Second Place – Maud Taylor Hill Scholarship Award
V129 Ellyn Werner
Viterbo University
Daniel Johnson-Wilmot
Honorable Mention:
V116 Caroline Nelson
University of St. Thomas
Debra Capener
V126 Micah Perry
South Dakota State University
Laura Diddle
Voice II
First Place – Frederick & Florence Paetzold Memorial Award
V207 Lauren Carroll
Drake University
Leanne Freeman-Miller
Second Place – Eleanor Koehler Ellerbe Award
V217 Tessa Hartl
New Rockford, ND
Mariane Lemieux-Wottrich
Honorable Mention:
V206 Emma Arachtingi
St. Olaf College
Tracey Engleman
V214 Chloe Agostino
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Julia Rottmayer
Voice III
First Place – Arlene Didier Scholarship Award
V309 Kara Morgan
New England Conservatory of Music
Victoria Vargas
Second Place:
V310 Anna Laurenzo
Urbandale, IA
Alexandra LoBianco
In partnership with the Twin Cities American Guild of Organists
First Place
Sarah Palmer
St. Olaf College
Catherine Rodland