Press Releases

Announcing the Fifth Season of Schubert Club Mix

By Schubert Club

Announcing the Fifth Season of Schubert Club Mix

Now entering its fifth season with unparalleled momentum due to loyal and expanding audiences, Schubert Club Mix is an innovative series that takes the formality out of classical music through unique concert presentations and trendy atmospheres. We are pleased to announce Summit Beer Hall as our newest partner and venue beginning with the 2017-18 season of Summit Beer Hall. 

The season will feature five very different concerts. The first concert of the season will be a lively evening similar to a 17th-century English jam session featuring Barokksolistene called “The Alehouse Sessions” at Aria. Next up, also at Aria, Brazilian-American vocalist, composer, and pianist Clarice Assad and her world-renowned father Sergio Assad (guitar) will perform a jazz-inspired program primarily featuring music from their first recording together called Reliquia. Then we move to TPT Street Space for a program by composer Libby Larsen combining music with vintage comic strips. Then we’ll be back at Aria featuring percussionist Colin Currie performing on a broad array of percussion instruments.  And finally, to close the series in our newest venue, Summit Beer Hall, New York ensemble Third Sound, formed by composer Patrick Castillo, will perform a program featuring a world premiere by Castillo. 

In starting the series, Artistic and Executive Director Barry Kempton explains, “I believe there are music-lovers in our community for whom the formality and rituals of classical music performances in traditional concert venues are a deterrent to attending. Our idea behind Schubert Club Mix is to relax our presentation style and the ambiance of the venue without at all compromising the quality of the music-making.”

Five concert and Three concert Packages on sale Monday, May 1, 9am.

Single tickets on sale Tuesday, August 1, 2017 at 11am.

All concerts general admission.

Order online or call 651.292.3268 (M-F, 8:30-4:30)

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