Calmus Ensemble – SOLD OUT
Sunday, December 3, 4:00PM
Saint Anthony Park United Church of Christ
Calmus Ensemble
Sunday, December 3, 2017, 4pm
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or call 651.292.3268
One of Germany’s most successful vocal groups, Calmus offers the unique combination of a soprano with four male voices ranging from bass to countertenor. The group has been awarded prizes in numerous international competitions, including the prestigious Concert Artists Guild Competition. Music in the Park Series brings the a cappella quintet to St. Paul with a program of carols from around the world − from 16th Italian century madrigals to traditional carols of France, Germany, Sweden and England, to American popular holiday songs. Embodying the rich choral tradition of its hometown of Leipzig, Germany, Calmus captivates both audiences and critics with its charming stage presence, flawless technique and entertaining presentations.
About Calmus Ensemble
Anja Pöche (soprano)
Sebastian Krause (countertenor)
Tobias Pöche (tenor)
Ludwig Böhme (baritone)
Manuel Helmeke (bass)
A perfect blend of sound, precision, lightness and wit. These are the hallmarks of Calmus, now one of the most successful vocal groups in Germany. The ensemble has forged a refined sound which few groups achieve. The wide range of sound colors, the joy in performing that musicians convey on the concert platform, and their varied and imaginative programs are praised by the press time and time again. These five Leipzig musicians have won a whole string of international prizes and competitions, including the ECHO Klassik and Supersonic Award, and the reach of their activities is constantly expanding, taking them throughout Europe as well as to North and South America. In 2010 the quintet made its debut at Carnegie Hall, New York.
The musicians are tireless in their quest to discover new repertoire. Shaped by the centuries-old tradition of great German boys’ choirs, they are naturally at home in the vocal music of the Renaissance, the Baroque and the Romantic. The music of our own time is also a real passion. In all their ventures, there are frequently interesting partnerships with musicians such as the Lautten Compagney Berlin, the Raschèr Saxophone Quartet, Hamburger Ratsmusik and the Frankfurt Radio Bigband. As this often means totally new repertoire in the area of contemporary music, over the years Calmus has commissioned numerous new works from composers including Bernd Franke, Steffen Schleiermacher, Wolfram Buchenberg, Mathew Rosenblum, Bill Dobbins, Michael Denhoff and Harald Banter, and the group has given many world premieres. It goes without saying that they revel in singing pop, folk and jazz, as well as chansons and golden oldies from the 1920s.
Part of their work is devoted to encouraging the up-and-coming generation, so teaching and workshops are part of their regular schedule, both at home in Leipzig and on their travels. It’s no wonder that Calmus, with its unique line-up of soprano, countertenor, tenor, baritone and bass, is gaining more and more fans worldwide.
[icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” image=”icon-calendar”] Date & Venue
Sunday, December 3, 2017, 4pm
Saint Anthony Park United Church of Christ
Join us at 3pm in the church for a pre-concert talk with the artists.
Concert length is estimated to be 2 hours with one intermission.
[icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” image=”icon-shopping-cart”] Tickets
[button color=”accent-color” hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”large” url=”https://boxoffice.ordway.org/schubert/Online/default.asp?doWork::WScontent::loadArticle=Load&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::name=SCH-MIPS&menu_id=954DC7C6-3177-490A-8073-2AEA4F52D59E” text=”This concert is sold out. Check availability online here” color_override=””]
Schubert Club Ticket Office (M-F 8:30-4:30) 651.292.3268
[icon color=”Accent-Color” animation_speed=”Slow” size=”small” icon_size=”” animation_delay=”” image=”fa-recycle”] Turn Back Unneeded Tickets
If you have tickets but are unable to attend, please consider turning back your tickets as a tax-deductible contribution. Your generosity allows other music lovers to attend our sold out concerts. Turnback tickets online or call 651.292.3268 at least one hour prior to the concert.
[icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” image=”icon-music”] Program
Christmas Carols of the World
Traditional, 14th Century, arr. Calmus: Veni, veni Emanuel
Traditional German, 19th Century, arr. Ludwig Böhme: Maria durch ein Dornwald ging
Johann Eccard: Übers Gebirge Maria geht
Michael Praetorius: Magnificat super Ecce Maria et Sydus ex claro
Traditional Italian, 14th century arr. Kurt Thomas: In dull jubilo
Hugo Distler: Singet frisch und wohlgemut, Opus 12, No. 4
John Tavener: Today the Virgin
Mykola Leontovych, arr. Fredo Jung: Shchedryk (The Carol of the Bells)
Traditional Canadian-Jean de Brébeuf, arr. Calmus: Huron Carol
Gustaf Nordqvist & Edvard Evers: Jul, jul, strålande jul!
Traditional Ukrainian, arr. Roy Massey: Long the Night
Traditional French, arr. Jung: Les angel dans nos campagnes
Hugh Martin & Ralph Blane, arr. Jens Tröster: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Johnny Marks, arr. Matthias Becker: Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer
Traditional English, arr. Frederic Austin, arr. Böhme: The Twelve Days of Christmas
Sicilian, 18th century, arr. Tröster: O du fröhliche
View the An Die Musik Program Book here
Program subject to change. Concerts are estimated to be two hours in length with one intermission.
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More info:
[icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” image=”icon-facebook”] Calmus Ensemble on Facebook
[icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” image=”icon-twitter”] Calmus Ensemble on Twitter
[icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” image=”icon-globe”] Calmus Enbemble’s Website
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[testimonial_slider] [testimonial name=”Dallas Morning News” quote=”… a showcase of sophisticated ensemble singing, in quite a variety of repertory… each singer had a distinctive sonority, but in combinations from two to five voices they evinced impeccable balance and a keen collective feeling for the rise and fall of phrases and the nuances of harmony.” id=”t1″] [testimonial name=”Milwaukee Journal Sentinel” quote=”…a flawlessly blended sound, relying not only (on) seamlessly meshed vocal timbres but on ornaments placed with absolute precision across all five voices… the singers bring tremendous character and musical depth to their interpretations, conveying the tone and meaning of lyrics in a fashion that transcends the language of the lyrics.” id=”t2″][/testimonial_slider]