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Musician playing in front of a film screen.

Accordo With Silent Film 2023

Join us at the Ordway for an evening with acclaimed string collective Accordo, the BRIJ Quartet, and pianist and composer Stephen Prutsman, featuring silent movies with original live music.

Tuesday, February 14, 7:30PM

Ordway Concert Hall

The increasingly popular Accordo with Silent Film is back in 2023. Join us at the Ordway for an evening with acclaimed string collective Accordo, the BRIJ Quartet, and pianist and composer Stephen Prutsman, featuring silent movies with original live music.


Steven Copes, violin
Susie Park, violin
Hyobi Sim, viola
Anthony Ross, cello
Sang-Yoon Kim, clarient

Stephen Prutsman, piano

*BRIJ Quartet:
Rebecca Hall, violin
Brianna Lai, violin
Jen Peterson, viola
Ingrid Tverberg, cello

*BRIJ Quartet is a string quartet founded at the Artaria Chamber Music School

*Accordo is a string ensemble composed of present and former principal string players of the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra and Minnesota Orchestra.